SEGGER @ embedded world 2025

Join us on March 11-13, 2025, in Nuremberg, Germany, at the premier global event for the embedded community.

SEGGER tools in action

At SEGGER's booth (4-367) for this year's embedded world, we'll be presenting our product portfolio, which we've recently organized into five core categories: Create, Build, Debug, Verify, and Program. The categories align with the natural flow of the development process, and they can help guide you from the creation of an initial project concept to final programming.

The booth will include interactive demos that show how SEGGER tools work together seamlessly across the five categories. Some of the highlights here include a USB webcam and a coffee machine display created with emWin. Furthermore, another demo features a video application with a webcam feed and GUI elements made with emWin’s AppWizard, allowing you to see how emUSB-Host connects USB peripherals to embedded systems. Workstations with SEGGER solutions such as Embedded Studio, Ozone, and SystemView will offer insights into IDE functionality, debugging, and real-time system analysis.

Stop by the SEGGER booth to chat with our embedded experts and learn how our tools can support your embedded projects.

Learn more about key SEGGER products at embedded world...

See you at embedded world 2025!

How to find us


90471 Nuremberg

  Download floor plan


Hall 4
Booth 4-367

  Download hall plan

Product highlights

SEGGER - RTOS embOS-Ultra Product Icon

The high-precision RTOS

embOS-Ultra uses cycle-resolution timing to offer greater precision and time resolution than any other RTOS on the market. Scheduling of all time-based events, such as timeouts, delays, and periodic timers, can now be specified in microseconds or even CPU cycles. Cycle-resolution-timing technology replaces target-specific techniques for precise timing with clean and consistent API calls.

Comparison of embOS embOS-Ultra vs. embOS-Classic via SystemView
SEGGER Embedded Studio: Product icon

The leading multi-platform IDE

Embedded Studio is the all-in-one solution for managing, building, testing, and deploying embedded applications. It offers a wide range of features that make development smooth and efficient. Its outstanding toolchain helps create the smallest-possible firmware for a variety of applications.

J-Link PRO PoE – specialized high-end debug probe for test farms

The specialized high-end debug probe for test farms

J-Link PRO PoE is SEGGER's specialized programming and debug probe for creating test farms with a minimized cable harness. It can draw power via Ethernet, and it supplies power to the target through either a debug interface or a USB-A connector.

Test farm setup using J-Link PRO PoE
SEGGER SystemView: Product icon

The real-time software analysis tool

SystemView is a real-time recording and visualization tool designed to analyze and profile the behavior of embedded systems. It records, analyzes, and visualizes captured data in real time; documents tasks, interrupts, and user events; and much more.

SEGGER Flasher Hub-12

High-volume gang programming at maximum speed

The Flasher Hub-12 controls up to 24 Flasher Compact units that serve as individual channels for parallel, high-speed gang programming. Each channel can be configured to program a different device or a different firmware image.

Flasher Hub-12 flex mode


PR graphic: Monitor with Ozone, Ozone icon, SEGGER J-Trace

SEGGER and Ferrous Systems have partnered to ensure that Rust applications compiled with Ferrous…

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News graphic chip J-Link Flasher

SEGGER’s J-Link and J-Trace debug probes and its Flasher series of programmers now offer debug and…

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PR graphic: Overview window including timeline and events list

SEGGER’s real-time software verification and visualization tool SystemView has been enhanced with…

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Keyvisual showing the five new product categories Create, Build, Debug, Verify, and Program

At SEGGER, we understand how overwhelming it can feel to start a project in embedded development.…

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Case study graphic: BYK-Gardner

In our latest case study, we show you how SEGGER tools can help you focus on your core competencies.…

2024 Mar. 26

Get your ticket

We look forward to meeting you in hall 4, booth 4-367. Contact us to receive your personal voucher for free admission to embedded world 2025.

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