Hardware acceleration

The SEGGER encryption library has specialized hardware-assisted ciphering support
There are two variants of the CRYP processor with different capabilities present on the following family members:
- STM32F41x CRYP, hereafter referred to as the standard CRYP processor, and
- STM32F43x/F47x CRYP, hereafter referred to as the enhanced CRYP processor.
The following cryptographic algorithms using using both CRYP variants:
- DES in ECB and CBC modes.
- TDES in ECB and CBC modes with keying options 1, 2, and 3.
- AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 in ECB and CBC modes.
For the enhanced CRYP processor, direct acceleration is provided for:
- STM32F75x
- STM32H75x
- AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 in CCM(12,4) and GCM(12,4) modes.
For the standard CRYP processor, acceleration is provided for:
- AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 ciphering with GCM and CCM in software.
All algorithms in emCrypt can be independently tailored for higher speed or lower size. The benchmarks are done on an STM32756G-EVAL board with an STM32F756NG, running @ 200 MHz, configured for highest speed, compiled with Embedded Studio using clang.
Modular exponentiation benchmark
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
Modular Exponentiation Benchmark compiled Dec 7 2017 16:06:48
Compiler: clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)
System: Processor speed = 200.000 MHz
Config: CRYPTO_VERSION = 22400 [2.24]
Modular Arithmetic Performance
CRT private key, exponent length = modulus length, all times in ms
| Modulus | 1024 bits | 2048 bits |
| Algorithm | Time x Memory x | Time x Memory x |
| Basic, fast | 59.29 1.00x 700 1.00x | 329.47 1.00x 1340 1.00x |
| Basic, ladder | 83.70 0.71x 840 1.20x | 490.12 0.67x 1608 1.20x |
| Basic, 2b, FW | 55.15 1.08x 1260 1.80x | 307.69 1.07x 2412 1.80x |
| Basic, 3b, FW | 51.48 1.15x 1820 2.60x | 292.47 1.13x 3484 2.60x |
| Basic, 4b, FW | 49.49 1.20x 2940 4.20x | 280.95 1.17x 5628 4.20x |
| Basic, 5b, FW | 49.07 1.21x 5180 7.40x | 275.33 1.20x 9916 7.40x |
| Basic, 6b, FW | 50.42 1.18x 9660 13.80x | 273.75 1.20x 18492 13.80x |
| Basic, 2b, RM | 54.28 1.09x 1260 1.80x | 304.85 1.08x 2412 1.80x |
| Basic, 3b, RM | 51.08 1.16x 1540 2.20x | 288.57 1.14x 2948 2.20x |
| Basic, 4b, RM | 48.95 1.21x 2100 3.00x | 277.34 1.19x 4020 3.00x |
| Basic, 5b, RM | 47.93 1.24x 3220 4.60x | 271.07 1.22x 6164 4.60x |
| Basic, 6b, RM | 47.98 1.24x 5460 7.80x | 267.65 1.23x 10452 7.80x |
| Barrett, fast | 72.12 0.82x 980 1.40x | 345.17 0.95x 1876 1.40x |
| Barrett, ladder | 99.66 0.59x 1120 1.60x | 511.70 0.64x 2144 1.60x |
| Barrett, 2b, FW | 67.75 0.88x 1540 2.20x | 329.96 1.00x 2948 2.20x |
| Barrett, 3b, FW | 62.79 0.94x 2100 3.00x | 310.01 1.06x 4020 3.00x |
| Barrett, 4b, FW | 60.31 0.98x 3220 4.60x | 296.86 1.11x 6164 4.60x |
| Barrett, 5b, FW | 59.68 0.99x 5460 7.80x | 290.48 1.13x 10452 7.80x |
| Barrett, 6b, FW | 61.34 0.97x 9940 14.20x | 289.20 1.14x 19028 14.20x |
| Barrett, 2b, RM | 65.62 0.90x 1540 2.20x | 323.86 1.02x 2948 2.20x |
| Barrett, 3b, RM | 61.95 0.96x 1820 2.60x | 305.48 1.08x 3484 2.60x |
| Barrett, 4b, RM | 59.52 1.00x 2380 3.40x | 293.20 1.12x 4556 3.40x |
| Barrett, 5b, RM | 58.37 1.02x 3500 5.00x | 286.35 1.15x 6700 5.00x |
| Barrett, 6b, RM | 58.38 1.02x 5740 8.20x | 281.86 1.17x 10988 8.20x |
| Montgomery, fast | 34.33 1.73x 700 1.00x | 196.52 1.68x 1340 1.00x |
| Montgomery, 2b, FW | 34.94 1.70x 1260 1.80x | 196.41 1.68x 2412 1.80x |
| Montgomery, 3b, FW | 31.37 1.89x 1820 2.60x | 175.43 1.88x 3484 2.60x |
| Montgomery, 4b, FW | 29.89 1.98x 2940 4.20x | 165.91 1.99x 5628 4.20x |
| Montgomery, 5b, FW | 29.54 2.01x 5180 7.40x | 161.58 2.04x 9916 7.40x |
| Montgomery, 6b, FW | 30.34 1.95x 9660 13.80x | 161.48 2.04x 18492 13.80x |
| Montgomery, 2b, RM | 31.66 1.87x 1260 1.80x | 180.16 1.83x 2412 1.80x |
| Montgomery, 3b, RM | 29.99 1.98x 1540 2.20x | 169.22 1.95x 2948 2.20x |
| Montgomery, 4b, RM | 28.98 2.05x 2100 3.00x | 162.21 2.03x 4020 3.00x |
| Montgomery, 5b, RM | 28.51 2.08x 3220 4.60x | 158.64 2.08x 6164 4.60x |
| Montgomery, 6b, RM | 28.57 2.08x 5460 7.80x | 156.64 2.10x 10452 7.80x |
| Configured | 59.39 1.00x 700 1.00x | 329.38 1.00x 1340 1.00x |
Public key, exponent length = 17 bits, all times in ms
| Modulus | 1024 bits | 2048 bits |
| Algorithm | Time x Memory x | Time x Memory x |
| Basic, fast | 1.74 1.00x 804 1.00x | 5.78 1.00x 1572 1.00x |
| Basic, ladder | 3.75 0.46x 1072 1.33x | 12.63 0.46x 2096 1.33x |
| Basic, 2b, FW | 2.08 0.83x 1876 2.33x | 6.79 0.85x 3668 2.33x |
| Basic, 3b, FW | 2.47 0.70x 2948 3.67x | 8.15 0.71x 5764 3.67x |
| Basic, 4b, FW | 3.58 0.48x 5092 6.33x | 11.91 0.49x 9956 6.33x |
| Basic, 5b, FW | 5.52 0.31x 9380 11.67x | 18.40 0.31x 18340 11.67x |
| Basic, 6b, FW | 9.29 0.19x 17956 22.33x | 30.86 0.19x 35108 22.33x |
| Basic, 2b, RM | 1.98 0.88x 1876 2.33x | 6.57 0.88x 3668 2.33x |
| Basic, 3b, RM | 2.23 0.78x 2412 3.00x | 7.43 0.78x 4716 3.00x |
| Basic, 4b, RM | 2.75 0.63x 3484 4.33x | 9.17 0.63x 6812 4.33x |
| Basic, 5b, RM | 3.78 0.46x 5628 7.00x | 12.62 0.46x 11004 7.00x |
| Basic, 6b, RM | 5.82 0.30x 9916 12.33x | 19.45 0.30x 19388 12.33x |
| Barrett, fast | 2.05 0.84x 1340 1.67x | 6.29 0.92x 2620 1.67x |
| Barrett, ladder | 4.34 0.40x 1608 2.00x | 13.58 0.43x 3144 2.00x |
| Barrett, 2b, FW | 2.53 0.69x 2412 3.00x | 7.49 0.77x 4716 3.00x |
| Barrett, 3b, FW | 2.92 0.59x 3484 4.33x | 8.82 0.66x 6812 4.33x |
| Barrett, 4b, FW | 4.13 0.42x 5628 7.00x | 12.65 0.46x 11004 7.00x |
| Barrett, 5b, FW | 6.24 0.28x 9916 12.33x | 19.30 0.30x 19388 12.33x |
| Barrett, 6b, FW | 10.34 0.17x 18492 23.00x | 32.11 0.18x 36156 23.00x |
| Barrett, 2b, RM | 2.32 0.75x 2412 3.00x | 7.10 0.82x 4716 3.00x |
| Barrett, 3b, RM | 2.60 0.67x 2948 3.67x | 7.97 0.73x 5764 3.67x |
| Barrett, 4b, RM | 3.18 0.55x 4020 5.00x | 9.76 0.59x 7860 5.00x |
| Barrett, 5b, RM | 4.29 0.40x 6164 7.67x | 13.30 0.43x 12052 7.67x |
| Barrett, 6b, RM | 6.51 0.27x 10452 13.00x | 20.30 0.28x 20436 13.00x |
| Montgomery, fast | 1.39 1.25x 804 1.00x | 4.58 1.26x 1572 1.00x |
| Montgomery, 2b, FW | 2.09 0.83x 1876 2.33x | 6.90 0.84x 3668 2.33x |
| Montgomery, 3b, FW | 2.16 0.80x 2948 3.67x | 7.12 0.81x 5764 3.67x |
| Montgomery, 4b, FW | 2.75 0.63x 5092 6.33x | 9.04 0.64x 9956 6.33x |
| Montgomery, 5b, FW | 3.73 0.47x 9380 11.67x | 12.24 0.47x 18340 11.67x |
| Montgomery, 6b, FW | 5.63 0.31x 17956 22.33x | 18.44 0.31x 35108 22.33x |
| Montgomery, 2b, RM | 1.59 1.09x 1876 2.33x | 5.22 1.11x 3668 2.33x |
| Montgomery, 3b, RM | 1.72 1.01x 2412 3.00x | 5.64 1.02x 4716 3.00x |
| Montgomery, 4b, RM | 2.10 0.83x 3484 4.33x | 6.92 0.84x 6812 4.33x |
| Montgomery, 5b, RM | 2.63 0.66x 5628 7.00x | 8.63 0.67x 11004 7.00x |
| Montgomery, 6b, RM | 3.55 0.49x 9916 12.33x | 11.62 0.50x 19388 12.33x |
| Configured | 1.74 1.00x 804 1.00x | 5.79 1.00x 1572 1.00x |
Benchmark complete
AES benchmark
Benchmarked on an STM32756G-EVAL board
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
AES Benchmark compiled Dec 7 2017 16:41:41
Compiler: clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)
System: Processor speed = 200.000 MHz
Config: CRYPTO_VERSION = 22400 [2.24]
| | | ECB MB/s | CBC MB/s |
| Cipher | Bits | Enc Dec | Enc Dec |
| AES | 128 | 3.86 3.69 | 3.03 2.76 |
| AES (HW) | 128 | 44.66 45.90 | 45.94 45.34 |
| AES | 192 | 2.91 2.83 | 2.60 2.38 |
| AES (HW) | 192 | 41.08 42.09 | 42.15 41.64 |
| AES | 256 | 2.51 2.44 | 2.28 2.10 |
| AES (HW) | 256 | 41.04 42.06 | 42.13 41.56 |
| | | GCM MB/s | CCM MB/s |
| Cipher | Bits | Enc Dec | Enc Dec |
| AES | 128 | 0.12 0.12 | 1.49 1.47 |
| AES (HW) | 128 | 0.12 0.12 | 3.64 3.29 |
| AES | 192 | 0.11 0.11 | 1.27 1.26 |
| AES (HW) | 192 | 0.12 0.12 | 3.58 3.25 |
| AES | 256 | 0.12 0.12 | 1.11 1.10 |
| AES (HW) | 256 | 0.13 0.13 | 3.57 3.25 |
Benchmark complete
ECDSA benchmark
Benchmarked on an STM32756G-EVAL board
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
ECDSA Sign and Verify Benchmark compiled Dec 7 2017 16:48:03
Compiler: clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)
System: Processor speed = 200.000 MHz
Config: Static heap size = 4440 bytes
Config: CRYPTO_VERSION = 22400 [2.24]
| | Sign | Sign | Verify | Verify |
| Curve | ms | bytes | ms | bytes |
| secp192r1 | 21.85 | 1152 | 20.57 | 1920 |
| secp192k1 | 31.95 | 1152 | 30.38 | 1920 |
| secp224r1 | 26.19 | 1296 | 25.37 | 2160 |
| secp224k1 | 41.94 | 1296 | 39.18 | 2160 |
| secp256r1 | 38.35 | 1440 | 35.03 | 2400 |
| secp256k1 | 53.72 | 1440 | 48.94 | 2400 |
| secp384r1 | 62.82 | 2016 | 59.38 | 3360 |
| secp521r1 | 115.68 | 2664 | 107.50 | 4440 |
| brainpoolP160r1 | 24.66 | 1008 | 23.65 | 1680 |
| brainpoolP160t1 | 23.12 | 1008 | 22.56 | 1680 |
| brainpoolP192r1 | 32.99 | 1152 | 30.73 | 1920 |
| brainpoolP192t1 | 30.78 | 1152 | 28.32 | 1920 |
| brainpoolP224r1 | 44.11 | 1296 | 42.42 | 2160 |
| brainpoolP224t1 | 40.61 | 1296 | 38.70 | 2160 |
| brainpoolP256r1 | 58.36 | 1440 | 53.98 | 2400 |
| brainpoolP256t1 | 53.69 | 1440 | 49.33 | 2400 |
| brainpoolP320r1 | 85.99 | 1728 | 81.86 | 2880 |
| brainpoolP320t1 | 79.74 | 1728 | 73.78 | 2880 |
| brainpoolP384r1 | 130.73 | 2016 | 125.46 | 3360 |
| brainpoolP384t1 | 122.38 | 2016 | 112.62 | 3360 |
| brainpoolP512r1 | 243.69 | 2592 | 225.29 | 4320 |
| brainpoolP512t1 | 224.16 | 2592 | 205.19 | 4320 |
Benchmark complete