BBC micro:bit J-Link Upgrade
Upgrading the BBC micro:bit DAPLink to J-Link
SEGGER offers the capability to upgrade the firmware on the BBC micro:bit DAPLink to a J-Link OB (On Board).

This firmware makes the on-board debug solution on the BBC micro:bit compatible to J-Link, allowing users to take advantage of all J-Link features such as ultra fast flash download and debugging speeds and the free-to-use GDB Server as well as application development using an IDE.
Download Firmware image to convert the on-board debug interface of the micro:bit to a J-Link OB
Download Sample projects for the BBC micro:bit that can be compiled, downloaded and debugged with SEGGER Embedded Studio.
Key features
- Fully compatible with J-Link offering the same features [More..]
- Enables full featured development with Embedded Studio IDE
- Using J-Link enables the use of a broad range of IDEs
- Maintains support of HEX file Drag and Drop
- Getting started Demo project for Embedded Studio provided
Getting Started
Just a few easy steps are needed to upgrade the firmware on the BBC micro:bit DAPLink to a J-Link OB. The following video walks you through the steps needed to upgrade the BBC:microbit DAPLink to a SEGGER J-Link.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Make sure that the latest J-Link software package is installed.
Download J-Link software package download
- Take the BBC micro:bit and hold the reset button pressed while connecting it via USB to the PC. This will start in maintenance mode which allows firmware updates.
- The BBC micro:bit will appear as mass storage device (MSD) on the PC as shown below.
- Download and extract the J-Link OB firmware.
Download BBC micro:bit J-Link OB Firmware
- Load the firmware - simply drag & drop the J-Link OB firmware (*.hex file) on to the MSD device
- After the file transfer is complete, power-cycle the BBC micro:bit, this time without the reset button pushed.
- The BBC micro:bit will now show up as J-Link on the PC.
- To verify the connection to the BBC micro:bit, use the J-Link Commander which is a command line utility that comes with the J-Link software package.
Terms of Use
SEGGER's J-Link OB firmware update for the BBC micro:bit platform, makes it fully J-Link compatible.
In order to make use of this firmware, the following Terms Of Use must be accepted:
- The firmware may only be used for development and/or evaluation purposes. It may not be used for production purposes.
- The firmware is ONLY for use with BBC micro:bit boards. It is not for use with custom hardware.
- The firmware is made available without any warranty and without support.
- No production flash programming support.
If there are any doubts or concerns on a specific use case, it is recommended to contact SEGGER prior to use.
When starting a debug session, a license dialog pop-up appears which must be accepted before the J-LINK OB can be used.
Firmware Version History and Limitations
Firmware version history
- Drag & Drop programming failed under macOS Ventura with error code 100093 (Operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred). Fixed.
- BBC micro:bit V2 J-Link OB Firmware
- BBC micro:bit J-Link OB Firmware
The BBC micro:bit J-Link OB firmware has some limitations when compared to the full featured industry leading SEGGER J-Link.
By using an original SEGGER J-Link PRO, J-Link ULTRA+ or J-Link PLUS, all these limitations are removed. Learn more about J-Link here.