MTP class

The Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) is a USB class protocol which can be used to transfer files to and from storage devices. MTP is an official extension of the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) designed to allow digital cameras to exchange image files with a computer. MTP extends this by adding support for all types of files.
Key features
- Communicate with any MTP device
- File system not necessary
- Small memory footprint
- High performance
Application Samples emUSB-Host MTP


The emUSB-Host MTP implementation works out of the box with most vendors' MTP device implementations. Functionality has been confirmed with a multitude of Android distributions, Windows phones and other MTP devices.
Additional Information
For more technical details about MTP and PTP follow this link.
Components required to use emUSB-Host MTP:
- emUSB-Host MTP
- emUSB-Host core (Included in emUSB-Host Base package)
- emUSB-Host target driver (One driver is included in emUSB-Host PRO package)
- Real-time operating system (embOS or other)