
General Information:
The demo application runs a web-server on the target. When the target is connected to a host (Windoiws/Linux/macOS) via USB the website can be reached by using a browser on the host.
After programming the application and connecting the USB cable a demo website can be reached via the URL "http://usb.local"

General Information:
After programming the application and connecting the USB cable and selecting the emUSB-Device Audio demo as your default sound output and sound input device any played audio will be saved onto the SD card.
If you loopback the emUSB-Device Audio microphone to your speakers you can listen to the audio demo message.

General Information:
After programming the application and connecting the USB cable you can copy a file onto the VirtualMSD volume. After the copy transaction has finished the VirtualMSD demo will reconnect itself to your PC and a file named CRC.txt will appear in the volume containing the CRC32 of the copied file.

General Information:
The emUSB-Device Video class demo shows simple UVC usage by playing a file form a SD card.
Convert any video file into the YUV422 format using ffmpeg:ffmpeg -i SeggerDemo_sample_app_project_v3.mp4 -pix_fmt yuyv422 -c:v rawvideo -an -s 640x480 -r 15 video.yuv
You can add -t 5
before -i
to reduce the duration to 5 seconds.
Put the file onto a SD card and insert it into the emPower board. After programming the application and connecting the USB cable you can use a webcam viewing application to watch your converted video.