In order to run emUSB-Device a driver for the USB device controller of the target hardware is required. All hardware dependencies are encapsulated in the driver. The driver interface has been designed in such a way that most common USB device controllers can be supported.

Supported Devices
SEGGER provide support for an extensive range of MCUs with on-chip USB controllers. The driver interface has been designed in such a way that it is possible to easily add drivers for USB controllers that are not yet supported.
Below is a list of supported MCUs. If your MCU is not listed, feel free to contact us about adding support.
The following device drivers are available for emUSB-Device
Driver (Device) | Part # |
Cypress Semiconductor | |
MB9BF5xx (3), MB9BF6xx (3) | 9.10.49 |
GigaDevice | |
GD32F450 | 9.10.91 |
Infineon | |
XMC45xx | 9.10.82 |
XMC47xx | 9.10.82 |
Maxim | |
MAX32570 | 9.10.68 |
MAX32590 (3) | 9.10.74 |
Microchip | |
AT91CAP9 (2) | 9.10.19 |
AT91RM9200 (2) | 9.10.64 |
AT91SAM3S (2) | 9.10.64 |
AT91SAM3U | 9.10.30 |
AT91SAM3X (2) | 9.10.62 |
AT91SAM4S (2) | 9.10.64 |
AT91SAM7A3 (2) | 9.10.07 |
AT91SAM7S (2) | 9.10.08 |
AT91SAM7SE (2) | 9.10.09 |
AT91SAM7X (2) | 9.10.10 |
AT91SAM9260 (2) | 9.10.22 |
AT91SAM9261 (2) | 9.10.11 |
AT91SAM9263 (2) | 9.10.25 |
AT91SAM9G20 (2) | 9.10.31 |
AT91SAM9G45 (2) | 9.10.41 |
AT91SAM9Rx64 (2) | 9.10.18 |
AT91SAM9x25 | 9.10.75 |
AT91SAM9XE (2) | 9.10.32 |
ATSAMD21 (2) ATSAMD5x (2) ATSAME5x (2) | 9.10.81 |
AVR32UC (3) | 9.10.40 |
SAMA5D2x SAMA5D3x SAMA5D4x | 9.10.70 |
SAMV70 (3) | 9.10.83 |
PIC32MX (3) | 9.10.79 |
Nordic Semiconductor | |
nRF52xx, nRF5340 (2) | 9.10.87 |
NXP | |
LPC13xx (3) (LPC1342, LPC1343) | 9.10.33 |
LPC17xx (2) | 9.10.29 |
LPC18xx | 9.10.60 |
LPC214x (2) | 9.10.02 |
LPC23xx (2) | 9.10.03 |
LPC24xx (2) | 9.10.14 |
LPC288x (3) | 9.10.51 |
LPC318x (2) | 9.10.04 |
LPC313x | 9.10.38 |
LPC3250 (3) | 9.10.04 |
LPC43xx (except LPC431x) | 9.10.61 |
LPC55xxx, LPC51xxx, LPC54018, LPC54S018, LPC54016, LPC54S016, LPC51U68, LPC546xx (1) | 9.10.86 |
Kinetis K2x, K4x, K6x, K7x (KHCI - full-speed controller)(2) | 9.10.42 |
Kinetis K6x, K7x (EHCI - high-speed controller) | 9.10.58 |
iMX25x | 9.10.44 |
iMX28x | 9.10.45 |
iMXRT102x | 9.10.61 |
iMXRT105x/106x | 9.10.61 |
iMXRT595 | 9.10.86 |
Vybrid | 9.10.65 |
Raspberry Pi | |
RP2040 (3) | 9.10.110 |
Renesas | |
K78F102x (3) | 9.10.50 |
R7FS7G2x | 9.10.39 |
RA6M4, RA6M3 | 9.10.39 |
RX11x, RX13x, RX23x, RX62x, RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX72x | 9.10.39 |
RX71x (USBb, USB FS Controller) | 9.10.39 |
RA4M3 | 9.10.39 |
RX71x (USBAa, USB HS Controller) | 9.10.73 |
RZA1 | 9.10.73 |
RZG1E | 9.10.73 |
SH7203 (3) | 9.10.28 |
SH7216 (3) | 9.10.53 |
SH7268/9 (3) | 9.10.59 |
SH726A (3) | 9.10.78 |
SH7286 (3) | 9.10.54 |
uPD720150 (3) | 9.10.23 |
V850ES/JG3-E/U/H (3) | 9.10.26 |
V850ES/JH3-E/U/H (3) | 9.10.26 |
Synergy S124 (3) , S128 (3) , S3a3, S3a7, S5d5 | 9.10.39 |
Synergy S5d9 (USB FS Controller) | 9.10.39 |
Synergy S7g2 (USB FS Controller) | 9.10.39 |
Synergy S5d9 (USB HS Controller) | 9.10.73 |
Synergy S7g2 (USB HS Controller) | 9.10.73 |
SiLabs | |
EFM32GGxxx | 9.10.63 |
ST | |
STM32F0xx (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32F103 (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32U535, STM32U545 | 9.10.16 |
STM32U575, STM32U585 | 9.10.56 |
STM32U59x, STM32U5Ax, STM32U5Fx, STM32FGx | 9.10.56 |
STM32F105/107 (2) | 9.10.34 |
STM32F2xx | 9.10.56 |
STM32F3xxx: (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32F4xx, STM32F7xx, STM32H7xx | 9.10.56 |
STM32L0xx (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32L1xx (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32L4x2 (2), STM32L4x3 (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32L4x5, STM32L4x6, STM32L4x7, STM32L4x9 | 9.10.56 |
STM32L552 (2), STM32L562 (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32G474 (2), STM32G484 (2) | 9.10.16 |
STM32H5xx | 9.10.16 |
STM32WB55 | 9.10.16 |
STR71x (2) | 9.10.12 |
STR750 (2) | 9.10.13 |
STR91x (2) | 9.10.15 |
TI | |
LM3S9B9x (3) | 9.10.37 |
MSP430 (3) | 9.10.36 |
OMAP-L138 (2) | 9.10.68 |
AM335x (3) | 9.10.69 |
TM4Cxx (2) | 9.10.68 |
Toshiba | |
TMPA900 (3) | 9.10.35 |
TMPA910 (3) | 9.10.17 |
TMPM369 (3) | 9.10.57 |
TZ1200 (3) | 9.10.88 |
Xilinx | |
Zynq 7007S Zynq 7012S Zynq 7014S Zynq 7010 Zynq 7015 Zynq 7020 Zynq 7030 Zynq 7035 Zynq 7045 Zynq 7100 | 9.10.72 |
Zynq UltraScale | 9.10.89 |
(1) Due to hardware issues on some revisions of the LPC546xx, the high-speed controller can be used for restricted applications only.
(2)Audio class and video class (UVC) support available upon request.
(3)No audio and video class (UVC) class support.