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2021 |
Jul. 22
  • embOS
SEGGER News: SEGGER’s RTOS embOS Receives STMicroelectronics’ Quality Label “MadeForSTM32”

SEGGER’s RTOS embOS receives STMicroelectronics’ quality label “MadeForSTM32 v2"

SEGGER’s real-time operating system (RTOS) embOS has been awarded STMicroelectronics’ "MadeForSTM32 v2" certificate. embOS is part of SEGGER’s all-in-one embedded operating system emPower OS.

MadeForSTM32 is a quality label granted by ST after an extended evaluation process. It helps engineers identify software solutions with the highest level of integration, maintenance, and service support to improve time to market and the overall quality of their solution.

Version 2 of the MadeForSTM32 label extends the interoperability of the STM32Cube Expansion packages, easing the application integration within STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE software development tools.

embOS was one of the first solutions to earn the MadeForSTM32 (v1) label in an advanced collaboration of SEGGER and STMicroelectronics and now has been granted MadeForSTM32 (v2) as well. As a result, SEGGER has published the official I-CUBE-EMBOS expansion for STM32CubeMX, which may be used to generate ready-to-go embOS projects for virtually all Cortex-M-powered STM32 devices.

“The MadeForSTM32 label guarantees seamless interoperability within the rich STM32Cube ecosystem across the wide STM32 portfolio,” says Daniel Colonna, Marketing Director at STMicroelectronics. “embOS has earned the MadeForSTM32 label as an outstanding example of the tool’s ease of use. By being listed as an STM32Cube Expansion in STM32CubeMX tool, developers have assurance that I-CUBE-EMBOS can be easily selected as an alternate RTOS.”

“We are very pleased to be able to further extend our partnership with STMicroelectronics with this additional labeling of embOS for the benefit of STM32 developers,” commented SEGGER's CEO Ivo Geilenbruegge. “By offering tickless support, embOS can reduce the number of system tick interrupts significantly and therefore deliver significant energy savings while also being highly modular, which means the RTOS footprint is very small. The result is a simple plug-and-play installation of embOS into the popular STM32Cube environment, which simply works.”

About embOS

embOS is a highly efficient, priority-controlled real-time operating system, designed to be the foundation for the development of embedded real-time applications. embOS is chosen by many engineers all over the world.

embOS offers incomparable ease of use and guarantees 100 % deterministic real-time operation. It is highly portable and fully source-compatible on all platforms, making it simple to port applications to different architectures. Tasks can easily be created and safely communicate with each other using semaphores, mailboxes, and events.

embOS is deployed in several billion devices and is the de facto standard for reliable embedded products. The high-performance RTOS has been optimized to minimize its memory footprint in both RAM and ROM, as well as for high speed and versatility. SEGGER’s embOS runs on all ST microcontrollers. SEGGER provides preconfigured projects that run instantly, right out of the box, for all popular ST evaluation boards.

For more information on the MadeForSTM32-certified embOS, please visit:

To learn more about SEGGER’s RTOS embOS and emPower OS, please visit:

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