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2023 |
May 09
  • J-Link

SEGGER makes it easy to build large-scale, energy-efficient test farms

SEGGER introduces the Test Farm Power Adapter which, in combination with the market-leading J-Link PRO, makes it easy to build energy-efficient, large-scale test farms.

A test farm is a way to make a large number of systems easily available over a network to any number of users for manual or automated testing. Users can simply connect to any of the boards in the test farm over the network. It is possible to control power, download firmware, run, debug, and test software on multiple devices simultaneously. Users can access devices from anywhere in the world using the J-Link Remote Server software or through remote access to the LAN, typically using a VPN tunnel.

Automated build systems can run tests on the same standard setup, which is ideal for regression testing, continuous integration, compiler tests, and more. Test farms can also be set up to offer access to the same hardware in different configurations or to allow users to connect to a variety of completely different boards and with a variety of toolchains.

SEGGER’s energy-efficient J-Link PRO with Ethernet interface, combined with the test farm adapter, forms the perfect foundation for any fully-scalable mass testing and debugging solution for embedded systems.

Devices under test can be turned off as a power saving measure if no test is running. They can also be power cycled and rebooted, which can be very useful in the testing process.

“Automated testing is a very important part of quality assurance. There is no replacement for the test farm,“ says Rolf Segger, founder of SEGGER. “It makes it possible to verify things that can’t be tested in simulation, such as the performance and stability of hardware. They are also the only way to eliminate concerns about the correctness of the simulator itself. We use test farms internally in our J-Link and Flasher departments as well as for compiler performance and regression testing.”

For information about J-Link test farm, please visit:

For more information about the Test Farm Adapter for J-Link, please visit:

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