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- Ozone

SEGGER’s Ozone debugger now supports Rust
Ozone’s Rust support provides all important features such as source and assembly debugging, system state inspection including memory view, call stack, and backtrace, as well as data analysis for the Rust programming language.
“At SEGGER, we see Rust becoming a more and more popular programming language,” says Rolf Segger, Founder of SEGGER. “Rust is fast, memory-efficient and safe. With first-class tool support, it has the potential to overtake C and C++. And my favorite feature when using Ozone also works: Interleaving source code with disassembly for selected lines. This is not only great when debugging and optimizing, but also for understanding the code generated by the compiler."
Ozone is designed specifically for embedded applications and is well known for its speed and ease of use, especially with SEGGER’s J-Link and J-Trace family of debug and trace probes.
More than a simple debugger, Ozone’s various features, including instruction tracing using J-Trace, live code profiling and code coverage analysis, make it a powerful tool for getting full system insight, verification, finding inefficiencies and for tracking down bugs.
Ozone’s user interface is designed to be used intuitively and is fully configurable. All windows can be moved, re-sized, and docked to fit the needs of any developer. The software is available cross-platform, on Windows, Mac and Linux, Arm and Intel hosts.
For more information, see the Ozone page on or visit