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2024 |
Jan. 10
  • Embedded Studio
PR graphic Embedded Studio V8

SEGGER’s new Embedded Studio: One IDE for both Arm and RISC-V

SEGGER is excited to announce the new Embedded Studio - V8.10. This cutting-edge, multi-platform IDE now also supports multiple architectures with a single setup. The same software can be used to build and debug programs for both RISC-V and Arm targets.

On all supported platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux) and all supported host CPUs (both Intel and Arm silicon), a single download and install is all that is needed. Developers can create solutions that build, program, and debug multi-architecture devices containing both Arm and RISC-V cores using one instance of the IDE – it simply works!

"The best multi-platform IDE on the market just got even better,” says Dirk Akemann, Marketing Manager at SEGGER. “Our emRun runtime and emFloat floating-point libraries, the smart SEGGER Linker, and the highly optimizing C/C++ SEGGER Compiler work seamlessly to maximize performance and minimize code size. Being our own most demanding customer, we continuously and extensively use, update, and enhance this software in-house. We encourage everyone to try it themselves using our friendly licensing option.”

With SEGGER’s Friendly License, Embedded Studio is available for unlimited evaluation, and for educational and non-commercial purposes, free of charge, with no restrictions in terms of code size, features or duration of use.

Other enhancements include new mechanisms for code completion, context-sensitive suggestions, and diagnostics. Tool tips provide context-sensitive details about every part of the code. Warnings, errors, and diagnostics are available while writing code, without having to wait for the project to build.

Embedded Studio has direct integration for J-Link. It also supports virtually any debug probe through its GDB Server protocol integration. Additionally, direct integration for ST-Link is now included.
While J-Link debug probes provide unparalleled debug performance, an extensive feature set, and support for thousands of devices, the native integration of ST-Link makes it easy to get embedded development started on commonly used ST evaluation boards.

About Embedded Studio

Embedded Studio is a multi-platform IDE (Integrated Development Environment) from SEGGER Microcontroller. Characterized by its flexibility of use, it includes all the tools & features a developer needs for professional embedded C and C++ programming & development.

It comes with a powerful project manager and source code editor. The editor is quick to start up and the build process is blazingly fast, saving precious working hours. It also includes SEGGER’s highly optimized emRun runtime and emFloat floating-point libraries, as well as the smart SEGGER Linker, all of which have been developed from the ground up specifically for resource-constrained embedded systems.

In combination with the highly optimizing C/C++ SEGGER Compiler, extremely small yet efficient programs can be generated, putting every byte to work.

For more information, see the Embedded Studio page at