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2024 |
May 08
  • J-Link
  • News

Hilscher's netX Studio CDT integrates full J-Link support

The latest version of Hilscher’s netX Studio CDT IDE now offers full integration with SEGGER’s J-Link as an alternative to Hilscher’s CLI Flasher and openOCD, giving developers seamless access to J-Link’s powerful features.

SEGGER’s J-Link, the most widely used debug probe on the market, features a download speed of up to 4 MB/s, the ability to set an unlimited number of breakpoints in the flash memory of MCUs, and much more. J-Link ownership includes free software and firmware updates, ensuring developers have access to the latest features without additional cost or licensing fees.

To get the most out of the setup and make use of trace, Hilscher netX90 customers can also use SEGGER's J-Link debugger Ozone in combination with SEGGER's J-Trace.

For more information about our debug and trace probes, please visit:

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